Good for Our Residents. Good For You.
Partner and Make a Difference
Your gifts help Atherton continue our century-long mission to embrace seniors from all walks of life, while providing the best care possible. Because of your generosity, residents’ needs may change, but their quality of life doesn’t have to. Each year Atherton provides approximately 10% of our operating budget in charity care to residents that can no longer afford to pay. This is The Promise that we have kept for over one hundred years. We couldn’t do this without you. You make the difference! Please Give Now.
There are many programs and projects at Atherton that need your support today! As a 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) non-profit organization, your gifts to Atherton are tax deductible. To find out more, please call the development office today.

Did you know there are creative ways to support Atherton? Ways in which Atherton, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time? Such giving techniques are called “planned gifts,” because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and Atherton.
Start your Will
To assist you in planning your legacy, Atherton offers FreeWill—an easy-to-use online tool that guides you through creating your will or trust. Accessible anytime, it allows you to complete the process in just 20 minutes, and it’s our gift to you. You can use this resource click here on its own or use it to document your wishes before finalizing your plans with an attorney.
Have you already included a gift in your will or trust? Please fill out this form to let us know! Click here. We would love to thank you for your generosity.
Name your Beneficiaries
Do you have an IRA, 401(k), life-insurance policy, or any other assets not included in your will? If so, these are called non-probate assets and you must plan your beneficiaries for them separately. Use this online tool click here to make your plans and designate Atherton as a beneficiary of one or more of these assets.


Volunteering in even simple ways can help others and improve your health and happiness. Each year, Atherton provides volunteer hours for people of a variety of ages, backgrounds and interests. Atherton is greatly blessed to have more than 300 volunteers who regularly offer their time and talents to perform services above and beyond.