by Virginia Beaboa | May 29, 2019 | Staff Notes
By: Craig Statton, CEO of Atherton A few months ago, I went to the doctor. After a routine exam, he suggested I begin taking a baby aspirin every day as a step in minimizing the effects of a heart attack. There were several factors which led to this diagnosis, but...
by Virginia Beaboa | May 15, 2019 | Staff Notes
By: Kimberly Flowers, Chief Development Officer, Share Stories All of us need seniors to share their stories. A wealth of wisdom and wit resides inside the memories of every senior, and these are not treasures to be lost. Families need to have stories that can be...
by Virginia Beaboa | Mar 27, 2019 | Staff Notes
By Breanna Walker, Marketing Department, All of us have experienced moments of dizziness or unsteadiness from time to time. Occasionally losing your footing or tripping is a part of life. However, for some seniors, balance problems can become more than an infrequent...
by Virginia Beaboa | Feb 11, 2019 | Staff Notes
By: Craig Statton, Atherton CEO My father owned and operated a clothing store in our hometown for 40 years. He was active in every aspect of the community as president of the local Chamber of Commerce, member of the both the Rotary and Lion’s Club, leader in the...
by Virginia Beaboa | Dec 17, 2018 | Staff Notes
By: Rev. Craig Statton, CEO, Atherton To my ears, there is nothing better than the blues. This genre of music came out the African American experience in the deep south. The inventors were slaves, former slaves, and the descendants of slaves—sharecroppers who sang as...
by Virginia Beaboa | Dec 17, 2018 | Staff Notes
By Dennis McFadden, Former CEO(now Retired), Atherton Homes As we age, the time seems to pass ever so much more quickly. John Updike famously observed that we should “suspect each moment, for it is a thief, tiptoeing away with more than it brings.” Or, in the...
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