Resident Initiated Clubs, Groups, Events, and Activities
- Memoir Writing
- Early-bird, Mid-Day, and Evening Pool Exercise Classes
- Sign-Language Class
- Tuesday Town Hall
- Atherton Players
- Atherton Chorus
- Atherton Band
- Sunday Evening Chapel
- Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies
- Men’s & Women’s Prayer Fellowship
- Ukulele Class
- Atherton Gardeners
- Caregivers Support Group
- Grief Support Group
- Sewing and Mending
- Atherton Asian Aloha
- Grandma’s Basement
- Treasure House
- House of Jewelry
- Lovely Linens
- Wholly Grounds Coffee House
- Clothing Boutique
- Bridge Group
- Mexican Train Dominoes, Skip Bo, & Scrabble
- Atherton Golfers
- Atherton Chaplains
- Pool (billiards) Tournament
- ?? Your Next Big Idea??
Read about one of our very own Resident’s stories:
George arrived at Atherton with a 60-year passion for playing the ukulele. His Hawaiian heritage and brother’s encouragement instilled a love for the instrument’s bubbly, mellow music. For years, George played in area ukulele groups of a dozen or more: practicing, perfecting, and performing around the area. One day a resident at Atherton brought him her broken ukulele and asked him to fix it. Then she asked for some help with playing it. Pretty soon, other residents were invited. Now there is a group of about 6 who gather in George’s house to practice and play their ukuleles. George says, “I am an introvert and I’m not that good a player so it was a stretch for me to start something like this; but I told myself to get out of my comfort zone, and I’m glad I did.“ Our residents are glad he did too.
A great many of the activities at Atherton were started and continue because residents with a passion decided to initiate something new. Their energy makes all of us better.
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