By Rev. Craig Statton, CEO, Atherton

For me, the arrival of Easter is a signal that spring is in the air.  In Colorado where I grew up, Easter brought the first shoots of green in the grass, some buds on the trees, and a splash of much needed color from sprouting daffodils and tulips.  Southern California has less of this seasonal change, but the temperature does begin to warm, and the days get longer as Spring takes hold. Around our house, the advent of Spring also meant that some basic chores called “Spring Cleaning” were on Mom’s calendar. The marketers of that day did a great job and I remember the phrase she would use to challenge us: “It’s time to make everything ‘Spic-N-Span.’” I remember the satisfaction we all felt during a week or two of frenzied activity that transformed cupboards, closets, windows, bedrooms, and floors from the dusty confinements of winter into the sparkling newness of Spring. Things have greatly changed from those days, but my family still performs a version of this same event each year.

It turns out that the ritual of Spring Cleaning is important for all our lives. Our best intentions find us stacking and acquiring articles, periodicals, items and “stuff” that we know will either revolutionize our lives, help out families, or give us some joy for the next day or week. If you are like me, we must admit that many of these items end up unread, under-utilized, or accumulating dust because we have moved on to the next pressing moment.  Spring Cleaning is a time to simplify our lives by sorting, thinning, and discarding all the unnecessary “stuff” we have. Once a year or so, amidst our busy, consumer-driven lifestyle, it’s good to be reminded of what is basic versus what is discretionary. Seniors can be especially resistant to “sweeping away the stuff” that we really don’t need. Many of us grew up with an ethos of saving just about everything: think of all those cans of nails and screws, spare parts, balls of twine, brown paper bags, empty jars, cardboard and wood that once had a place in the basement. We haven’t adjusted well to all that is disposable in our society. All of us have seen those television shows where hoarders live on the verge of mental illness because their need to retain all their stuff has overwhelmed all hope and common sense. Let’s face it: at some point, life is going to be much more about doingthan it is about having. Seniors who engage annually in this practice of Spring cleaning are much more able to handle the stress of downsizing when the time comes. So, let’s be brave and get Spring Cleaning! Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1.Break it down into small bites:Make a checklist so you have a plan. Listing the areas that need to be cleaned, piles that need to be sorted, or even choices that need to be made allows you to have a sense of control in what may seem like an overwhelming task. Even a list of 100 items will result in a plan that makes it much easier to organize your time and efforts.  Then just do what you can. I heard of one approach where a person set aside 15 minutes, set the timer and worked on his list until the timer buzzed.  He was amazed at how much could be accomplished on his list in small bites.

  1. Get the family involved: Don’t be afraid to ask for help from loved ones. When we were kids, mom set aside the time for Spring Cleaning and everyone participated. As we get older, it can be overwhelming to sort, clean, and clear a whole house; asking for help should be a natural extension of your relationships.There is also a side benefit to this work: it’s the perfect opportunity to bond with your loved ones. You can dig up old family photo books to look through and find toys and trinkets from your kids’ childhoods to pass on to your grandchildren.  Remember that “many hands make light work.” If you have a plan, then when a family asks to help, you will know where to put them to work.
  2. Make yourself throw it away!Our lives are filled with a gadget for everything and an outfit for every occasion. Some of this “stuff” is either past its prime or was never all that useful to begin with. It is better to admit you made a mistake and part ways with the item rather than let it take up space for another year. A professional organizer would charge you money to make three sorting piles:yes, no, and maybe. You can do this yourself. Everyday items you often use go in the “yes” pile. For items you’re hesitant to part with, place them in the maybe pile. Don’t discard things with sentimental value. They are still important. But tell yourself “no” to those things that you can admit are unusable, unwanted, or unnecessary. Either throw them in the trash, find someone who can benefit from them, or donate them to charity.  This process of moving items into piles will also help you declutter a space and allow you to clean behind and around the items.
  3. Organize for importance:Review and sort all your important financial, health and legal documents and organize them into one space. This will save you time, money and stress in the event of an emergency.
  4. Be prepared for an emergency:Make sure all your mechanical and emergency systems are in good working order. For example:
  • Program emergency contact numbers and Medical ID information into your smartphone (or an easily accessible list in your home)
  • Double check that your fire extinguisher is charged and not expired
  • Test smoke and CO2 alarms for live, active batteries
  • Compile an up-to-date list of any medicines (prescriptions and over-the-counter) which you take regularly
  • Make sure your first aid kit is stocked and build an accompanying kit of water bottles, a blanket, flashlight with batteries, back-ups of commonly taken medicines, non-perishable snacks, etc.
  • Service your furnace, A/C, or water filters

I don’t suppose many of us relish the ritual of Spring Cleaning with its sorting, purging, organizing, sanitizing, mopping, vacuuming, and dusting. But setting aside time for this routine maintenance will make a significant difference in your future; and just think how good it feels when your world is Spic-N-Span!  Happy Spring!