By: Leslie Allen, Atherton Resident since 2014

Scripture: Psalm 23: 1a

“The Lord is my Shepherd”

Questions for reflection and application:

  • How can you express your gratitude for God’s shepherding care for you?
  • Is there something tangible you can do today to nurture someone who is in your spiritual community?

Thought for today:

Shepherding is a communal metaphor in the Old Testament for the covenant relationship between God and his people. He is our Shepherd and we are His sheep. King David, who wrote this song, had first-hand experience as a shepherd; yet he writes from the perspective of the sheep. He starts by affirming the personal nature of God’s shepherding relationship with him: The Lord is myshepherd. Wrapped up in this little word are many personal facts and promises:

God knew David’s name. In John 10, Jesus, our Good Shepherd says “he calls his own sheep by name.” God had made David His own. As we shall see throughout the rest of this song, God is David’s provider, protector, and guide. This is what a shepherd does for His sheep. Jesus says that the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. God had brought David into a spiritual community. In the Old Testament a covenant relationship was a special transaction, like a contract or a marriage vow that was entered into by two parties to signify the terms of the relationship. God entered into this kind of promise with His people and he reaffirmed and reminded His people of this relationship so they would understand their place before Him and know His love. One of David’s favorite ideas is the “steadfast love of God” for His people.  Another way of saying this is the covenant-keeping love of God. God through his Son, Jesus, our Good Shepherd has brought us into the same kind of spiritual community. Let us thank God for knowing our name and putting us in a spiritual community.